
FreeMesh is a community-based, community curated network where you, the community members, vote to allow or disallow content based on YOUR community’s standards. Your community can be as CONNECTED or as DISCONNECTED as your members choose to make it. Random internet sites and content are not permitted by design. Content servers are not permitted to join by design.

We will be releasing white papers and discussion forums as we move forward. The technology is being designed by an ever-growing team. We’re not re-inventing the wheel, here: we’re applying existing technology, like secure mesh networking, point-of-sight networking, NoIP technology, even private FreeMesh Blockchain petitioning and voting systems for content and membership community approvals.

Community over Crowd

Why do this? Because we’re tired of seeing our children being exposed to an ever-growing gutter mentality of radical politics, pornography, fake history and hate coming across their screens on an hourly basis. Parents are the parents, not the radical identity fanatics with teaching certificates.